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SingSoc School



SingSoc School will run most Thursdays, before Chorus, for about 20 minutes. It's an opportunity for those who are new to choral singing, or who want a refresher, to learn some of the basics in a fun and informal way outside of the normal rehearsal time.

SingSoc School is completely optional, and you can drop in and out as you wish. We’ll publish the curriculum on the SingSoc Website in advance, and through the SingSoc WhatsApp group so you can see what’s coming up.


We'll work on skills such as

  • Where to find your part on the score and how a page of choral sheet music is laid out

  • How to read rhythm and pitch from the music, and using the info on the page to make you a better singer

  • How to breathe for singing, and how that effects the sound you make.

  • Extending your range - find notes you never knew you had!

  • What is the conductor actually there for and can they help me?!



Week 1


6:45PM - 7:15PM

No session this week

Week 2


6:45PM - 7:15PM

Arts Tower, LT6

What part do I sing and where's my music?

  • Common voice types and ranges (SATB)

  • Score layout

    • Short and full score

    • Systems

    • Bars

    • Rehearsal numbers

Week 3


6:45PM - 7:15PM

Mappin Hall

Rhythm Basics

How do I read the rhythm of the music from the score?

  • Semi-breves / minims / crotchets / quavers.

  • Kodaly-style rhythm reading exercises (together, then in parts)

  • Simple Time signatures and beat stresses.

Week 4


6:45PM - 7:15PM

No session this week

Week 5


6:45PM - 7:15PM

Mappin Hall

How does my voice work?

  • Power - Source - Filter model

    • Breathing for singing

    • Understanding of Vocal Fold action

    • Basic Vowel sounds

    • Diction / articulation basics

Week 6


6:45PM - 7:15PM

Mappin Hall

Pitch Basics

How does the music tell me which pitch to sing?

  • Basic patterns

  • Note names

  • Treble and Bass clef (including tenor 8ve clef)

  • Reading other people’s parts for clues!

Week 7


6:45PM - 7:15PM

No session this week

Week 8


6:45PM - 7:15PM

Arts Tower, LT6


Getting high with your friends

How do I extend my range and sing the higher notes more comfortably?

  • Playing with your voice - everything you need is there already!

  • Head voice / M2 singing

  • Support

  • Releasing tension

Update: today's session is cancelld and the curriculum will be updated to acommodate this change. Thank you for your uderstanding!

Week 9


6:45PM - 7:15PM

Arts Tower, LT6

What is the conductor actually doing?

How all that flapping around helps you make your performance more musical. (And a bit about the marks on the score that help with that too!)

  • Breathing as a choir

  • Phrasing as a choir

  • Dynamics

  • Articulation

  • Listening and generally working together

Week 10


6:45PM - 7:15PM

Arts Tower, LT6

How to not get lost!

  • All the other information on the page

    • Repeats

    • 1st / 2nd time bars

    • Da Capo, Da Segno etc.

    • Looking at other people’s music for clues about your own.

Week 11


6:45PM - 7:15PM

No session this week

Previous sessions

SingSoc School

SingSoc School

SingSoc School
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SingSoc School - 1: Parts and Music

SingSoc School - 1: Parts and Music

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5 Reasons Why We Love SingSoc

5 Reasons Why We Love SingSoc

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